No matter where you work or how much you love your job, workplace burnout is a nearly inevitable part of being employed in 2022. Workplace burnout, or stress and/or emotional exhaustion that comes as a result of your work, can take a major toll on an employee’s mental health, and can lead to a significant reduction in productivity and morale in the office as well.
If you are feeling burnt out as a result of your job, you are not alone – roughly 50% of all workers across the United States ranging from school teachers to executives at companies like report experiencing this phenomenon. While burnout in the workplace is common, it is not unavoidable.
Here are a few tips for preserving your mental and emotional health in the workplace to avoid feelings of burnout.
- Set Firm Boundaries Between Work and Home Life
This is especially important for employees working from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic who might find that their personal and professional lives are blending together as work is being done outside of the office. Whether you’re working in person or remotely, setting firm boundaries including hours that work is being done and hours that you are not using your work phone or replying to emails is important, and will ensure that you can have a much needed break at the end of a long work day before beginning another one.
2. Get Organized
One component of burnout is a feeling of being overwhelmed by all of the tasks and deadlines looming over you in the workplace. Getting organized can help you to stay on top of your work and to ensure that you are on the right track to meet deadlines and goals on time. Many employees find it helpful to begin each workday with a to-do list and to keep a planner or calendar on hand at all times, to keep track of important deadlines or other notes.
3. Take Breaks Throughout the Day
If you work long hours or feel like you barely have time to breathe throughout the day while at work, schedule breaks throughout the day. If you’re a doctor, for example, reading a physician burnout article will give you tips on how to reduce stress during a busy day. Not taking breaks can result in mistakes, which can have lethal consequences when treating a patient. Even a few 10 minute breaks scattered throughout the afternoon can allow you to decompress, making workdays feel easier, and making you more productive throughout the day as well.
4. Know When to Say “NO!”
Many employees find themselves feeling overwhelmed or burnt out as a result of having too much on their plate. Knowing yourself and how much work you are able to take on is the key to avoiding taking on too much. Think about times when you have felt overwhelmed or like you are unable to juggle all of your responsibilities, and know that it is okay to say no to certain tasks or projects if you feel like taking them on would be too much. is the fund industry’s leading news, research and analysis source for individual and institutional accredited investors and professionals