Startups have a long and challenging road to navigate, and entrepreneurs often feel like giving up. Bootstrapping with limited resources can stress you out, and the workload makes things even harder. Businesses have to struggle to survive and sustain themselves in the initial stages. Thankfully, the lean approach can make the journey easier. Not surprisingly, the concept of lean startups has witnessed immense popularity in recent years. These companies utilize the lean methodology to develop and launch a new business idea for maximum learning and minimum risk. They have a better chance of success than new ventures going ahead with the traditional approach. Let us highlight the key goals that lean startups pursue.
Establish a customer base
The primary goal that a lean startup follows is establishing a customer base. When you rely on this mindset, customer value is the top priority. It is even more significant than generating revenues and earning profits. While you may not make big money in the early stages, a robust customer base gives you an advantage. It fuels your new company with strong relationships and lasting retention.
Find a viable business model
A viable business model is vital for lean startups. Ideally, it should include elements such as customers, revenue, profit, quality product, ROI, and a life-changing business idea. If any of these are missing from your business model, you do not have a viable one. You require a perfect mix that takes you a step ahead with revenues, profits, and customer satisfaction. All three work together to make a startup successful.
Get a problem/solution fit
Lean businesses do not operate randomly. With this approach, you may make it big or fall flat on your face. But six sigma tools make your venture laser-focused with an ideal problem/solution fit. Even before starting, consider whether your business centers around a problem worth solving. If it does, nothing can stop it from growing. But achieving this goal takes time and patience. You may have to wait for a few months to understand whether you have a problem/solution match.
Scale and grow
The most important goal for a lean startup is to scale and grow. Once you have traction in the market, you must use the momentum to extend your reach and get bigger. Find novel ways to accelerate growth and eliminate the bottlenecks that stand in the way. It is crucial to maintain customer satisfaction and retention during the growth phase. You cannot go slack with the quality of products and services at any point, even as you focus on scaling and growth.
Commit to lean
If you want to establish a lean startup, stay committed to the mindset throughout the lifespan of the business. It is easy to drop the approach down the line, but the best piece of advice is to stick with it. The benefits of lean methodology are worthwhile for startups, growing businesses, and established brands. Stay committed, and you will only get better with time.
Lean startup is a winning idea that can make the early phases easy for entrepreneurs. Set your eyes on these goals, and nothing can stop your growth and progress. is the fund industry’s leading news, research and analysis source for individual and institutional accredited investors and professionals