BMAMS: Finding Millions of Systems

How BMAMS uses powerful, modern computers to search for millions of new systems.

We get the computer to construct systems like a jigsaw puzzle.

It has a group of pieces that it takes, puts together and judges the results.

Then it gets a new set of pieces, puts them together and judges the results. Over and Over.

To do this requires computing power- fortunately over the past 10-15 years, huge developments have occurred with computing power.

Here is a graph of computing power that Bill Gates posted on Twitter:

The growth is phenomenal, and this graph doesn’t really do it justice- because its scale is logarithmic. Each notation on the left axis is a 100x increase in power.

On a normal scale the increase in computing power would appear like this:

This shows the ridiculous amount of power computers have gained in the past 10-15 years.


This power allows us to create about 1 million different jigsaw systems every hour- or nearly 300 a second!


In a typical development search run, we will look at over 20 million systems- the population of London, New York and Paris combined!


Of course, there is more detailed maths and statistics in it than just what is simply explained here- it is merely the first step in the process, but it gives a demonstration of how computing power can help us discover trading systems.


These systems then get filtered and eventually become part of bMAMS’ trading portfolio.

Originally posted on

The post BMAMS: Finding Millions of Systems first appeared on trademakers.

The post BMAMS: Finding Millions of Systems first appeared on JP Fund Services.

The post BMAMS: Finding Millions of Systems appeared first on JP Fund Services.