The Smart Way to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

The Smart Way to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

If you’ve never dived into the world of investing, then you probably do not have the slightest idea what portfolio diversification represents. Namely, it means spreading your cash across numerous investments, with the hopes that if one of them has a poor performance, the others will compensate for these losses.

If you’ve heard of the idiom “Do not put all your eggs in one basket”, then you’ll know exactly what’s the goal of portfolio diversification. The main goal of it is to decrease the idiosyncratic and non-systematic risk of your portfolio.

These risks usually impact only either individual securities, or a certain asset class, instead of capital markets on aggregate. A diversified portfolio usually encompasses equities for growth, real assets, such as commodities and/or real estate, and bonds for stability.

Now, that you’ve learned all the basics when it comes to this, it’s time to move on to tips and tricks that are going to help you do this the right way. So let’s unveil the most efficient strategies together!

Get Familiar With Asset Allocation In Terms Of Market Capitalization 

Large-capitalization equities are generally a lot more stable (in terms of finances) than the smaller ones. They frequently offer stable growth with constant dividends. Small-cap equities with a market capitalization that’s below $2 billion are renowned for their very high growth potential, however, that doesn’t mean that they do not come with certain risks.

On the other hand, mid-cap equities represent the perfect balance of the large caps and small caps. Now, this probably makes you wonder how much of all these market caps you should include, but the reality is that there isn’t a single answer to this question.

That’s because it all depends on numerous factors, such as time horizon and investment objectives. Investors who consider themselves risk-takers tend to allocate a bigger portion of their portfolio to small-cap and mid-cap equities in order to capture higher potential returns.

In contrast, those who do not love taking any risks typically resort to high allocation to large-cap stocks because they perceive them to be more reliable.

How Well Do You Know Different Investment Strategies?

One of the best ways to diversify your portfolio is by implementing different investment strategies. Every single one of them comes with certain advantages, and it’s up to you to analyze all of them to ensure you pick the ones that will meet your financial aims.

There are numerous options when it comes to this. The first one that’s going to be suggested refers to managed funds. Now, you are probably wondering what are managed funds and how they can help you grow your wealth. It represents a professionally managed investment portfolio, in which your investments are pooled together with other people.

When you invest in a managed fund, you practically buy units in the fund, instead of the assets. One of the perks of managed funds lies in the fact that they aren’t “financially demanding”, meaning that you won’t need more than $1,000 to invest.

Besides that, they are capable of holding roughly several hundred different investment types, and all of these investments can be diversified across various asset classes, countries, organizations, and industries.

The next best option is to consider active trading which entails a variety of different strategies based upon several factors, like spread or swing trading, and can involve event-driven strategies and momentum too!

Momentum investing has the purpose of uncovering and following the latest trends to profit off of market sentiment. On the flip side, event-driven investing strategies try to capture pricing differences during corporate events and alterations, like acquisitions and mergers.

Another option that you should consider is index investing, which refers to active and passive investments when you are assessing different sorts of funds. In these instances, investors normally opt for index funds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds to boost their investment portfolio, because funds give access to stocks, bonds, and securities through a single vehicle.

Rebalancing Your Portfolio

It’s of huge significance to rebalance your portfolio when your risk appetite alters, or you uncover brand-new opportunities as far as this goes. Rebalancing means that you’ll bring your portfolio once again in line with its goal.

In these instances, you’re supposed to be selling all the assets that are overweighing the portfolio, and, at the same time, employ the proceeds to obtain assets that are currently below their target weight. 

Another strategy that you can resort to is to add contributions to an underweight segment and then take withdrawals from the one that’s overweight.

Do You Have A Particular Investment Goal In Mind?

If you want this venture to be successful, then you need to perfectly define your financial goals. Ask yourself, are you planning on investing short-term, or long-term, or both of these alternatives are “in-game”?

Another thing that you need to take into account is your risk tolerance. It’s here to determine the amount of exposure you are supposed to have to assets that are defined as high-risks, such as equities.

For instance, any young investor with a longer investment horizon should concentrate on growth-oriented stocks. In contrast, an older investor who is approaching retirement (or is already retired) may consider a steady income that comes from dividend-paying equities and bonds. 

Stay Updated!

Acquiring and holding, and dollar-cost averaging generally sound like excellent ideas, however, just because all of your current investments are on autopilot, it doesn’t instantly mean that you should overlook the forces at work.

What you need to understand is that the market is very volatile and is changing all the time, hence it’s crucial for you as an investor (regardless of your experience) to be aware and familiar with all these changes. 

If you’ve invested in specific companies, then it would be advisable to get a grasp of what’s happening to them right now. Only then you will be able to determine when it’s time to prevent your losses and focus on other investments.

The Smart Way to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

There’s no denying that portfolio diversification is a perfect strategy for any investor who wants to keep massive losses at bay. If that’s what you want to accomplish as well, then these are the tactics you should opt for.