The COVID crisis has brought myriad challenges for businesses of all sizes and from all domains. It is hard to keep the operations running amid the threats of closure and economic slump. HR issues are even harder to handle amid concerns like employee safety, lay-offs, re-hires, law changes, and payroll updates. Small and mid-sized businesses have to struggle a tad more because they may not have dedicated HR teams to handle such complex issues. Large enterprises get into a fix because there are big teams of thousands of employees to look after. Here are the reasons why your business needs HR guidance through the pandemic.
Employee safety
As the virus is still at large, employee safety continues to be an overriding concern. Every business owner has to ensure that the workplace follows the recommended mandates and requirements to stay ahead on the compliance front. The problem is that you have to keep track of the changing guidelines and ensure adherence at all times. Your HR partners can guide you about everything, right from cleaning protocols to communication reminders and current updates.
Staffing decisions
It is vital to follow the best practices, whether laying off or re-hiring, more so during a crisis like this one. You need to be aware and educated, as simply laying off people can damage your reputation as an employer. You will also have to oversee unemployment compensation, notice periods, and employee claims. It isn’t possible to handle these issues without the expert guidance of seasoned HR managers.
Payroll complexity
Payrolls are complex to handle in routine, and the pandemic makes it even harder. Right now, you have to keep track of tax implications for remote employees, manage reduced pay rates and salaries, and handle altered work schedules. If you don’t have a dedicated HR team, it is best to collaborate with a Professional Employer Organization to ensure that you stay compliant with payroll rules. It will eliminate the hassles of calculations and make you stress-free about monthly payrolls.
Realigning company policies
Another area where guidance by a human resource management expert can help is the realignment of company policies. Most companies have gone remote for the first time during COVID-19, so they have no idea about the new policies that will work for them. Adjusting company policies can be very time-consuming, and compliance requirements can get confusing for a layman. It makes sense to onboard a PEO for the job because they can help you save time and money.
Remote workforce engagement
HR guidance can take your business a long way with remote workforce engagement. You cannot miss out on it because people working from home require support, motivation, and encouragement to stay productive and efficient. You also need to foster trust with them if the arrangement continues for the long haul. The advice of experts can make all the difference to the way you engage the employees and keep their performance on track.
COVID-19 has brought an unprecedented crisis, and businesses need to strengthen their teams to deal with it. Unless you are willing to go the extra mile with your HR processes, you cannot get your people to give their best. Only a seasoned HR team can have the right advice to ramp up your initiatives. is the fund industry’s leading news, research and analysis source for individual and institutional accredited investors and professionals