Cromwell FX is a systematic foreign exchange trading program, based on 22 currency pairs, traded on a 24-hour basis.
Performance Updates
Compounded Gross Performance
in April 2023
Total Compounded Gross Performance
since January 2014
The Last 12 Months
jQuery(document).ready( function() { Highcharts.ajax({ url: ‘https://api.sgtmarkets.com/v1/data/equitydata?name=cromwell_monthly’, success: function(data) {let parsedData = JSON.parse(data);Highcharts.setOptions({ chart: {style: {fontFamily: “poppins” }}});const chart = Highcharts.chart(‘container-monthly’, {tooltip:{formatter: function() { return “” + this.y + “%
“; }}, credits: {enabled: false}, title: { style: {color: ‘#171717’}, align: ‘left’, text: ”}, subtitle: { text: ”}, exporting: {allowHTML: true ,buttons: { contextButton: {menuItems: [‘viewFullscreen’, ‘separator’, ‘downloadPNG’, ‘downloadSVG’, ‘downloadPDF’, ‘downloadXLS’ ,’downloadCSV’] }}}, responsive: {rules: [{ chartOptions: { exporting: { enabled: false} }, condition: { maxWidth: 800 }}]},xAxis: { labels: { style: { color: ‘#171717’}}, categories: parsedData.series},yAxis: { labels: { style: { color: ‘#171717’}}, title: { text: ‘Percentage’ }, labels: {format: ‘{value}%’} },series: [{type: ‘column’, color: ‘#20D1EB’, colorByPoint: false, data: parsedData.data, showInLegend: false}]});}}); });
The chart above is based on compounded monthly gross performance since January 2014.
The Strategy
The Cromwell FX program’s overall strategy is based on: quantitative strategies, from core market observations, momentum, mean reversion and break-out, multiple, independent signal generators to capture short and medium-term opportunities, and current market volatility to determine risk and profit expectations.
Find out if Cromwell FX is right for you, and how you can invest in this program, or any of other investment strategies, on trademakers.com.
Investment Risk
Whatever your investment goals are, you should carefully consider the risks just as much as the historical returns when deciding how best to invest your money. The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. You may not get back the original amount invested.
The post Cromwell FX – April 2023 first appeared on trademakers.
The post Cromwell FX – April 2023 first appeared on JP Fund Services.
The post Cromwell FX – April 2023 appeared first on JP Fund Services.