Modern marketers are well aware of the power that SEO holds. It has the highest return on investment compared to any other channel, and it’s the only thing that brings in long-term results.
Any successful marketing campaign is in some way connected to improving your ranking and help boost you higher in Google’s results page. If you’re not familiar with any SEO tactics, it could be difficult to persuade your team into placing time, money, and resources, just to see some results six months from now.
The best part about search engine optimization is that you can do it on your own, or work with experts. It all depends on how fast you want to see results, whether you’ve got the time and resources to experiment, and how much you stand to gain from it. Click here to learn more.
Attract targeted visitors
Inbound marketing and SEO go together like peanut butter and jam. Sure, you can have one without the other. But a combo of both will have you craving for more. Most people are familiar with outbound tactics for marketing.
You break the attention of a person scrolling on social media with an ad. You place your company on a billboard.
You stop a song on the radio to say that you’re running a flash sale. All those behaviors interrupt what your potential client was already doing. Sometimes, it can backfire.
Just think of all those unskippable YouTube ads that made you hate a brand. The same thing can happen if you force your products and services to uninterested people. But the situation changes when you get the timing and the interest right. That’s where SEO comes in.
Let’s say a potential client is searching on Google how to fix a problem that your product solves. Your company blog comes up first, and they click and read through it. Then they see some suggested posts, and keep on reading how to solve the problem.
After reading for a bit, they realize that it’s much better to buy the quick fix, i.e. your product, instead of going for a cheaper competitor, or improvise a DIY solution. That’s how you convert an interested visitor into an actual buyer.
More clicks bring in more profits
You never know where your next customer will come from. Especially if you’re providing a digital service, software, or a course. The whole world becomes your marketplace. Somebody from the other part of the globe will see your link in the top spot, and they will click.
Think about this scenario for a second. When you search for a solution to a problem, do you check where the company offering advice is based, or do you just want to find out the answer? You probably do the latter. Everyone else is the same too.
You give passionate visitors the answers they’re looking for, and you bring them one step closer to saying yes and completing a sale. When a lead finds you on their own, and reach out to you instead of the other way around, the only variable is the time when they become a customer.
Create a learning center, and let them explore what your company does ad provides. Visitors will appreciate the increased usability, and you will reap the advantages while improving on the quality of your newsletter, clients, and visitors.
If you can’t do it all on your own, you can choose to work with professionals who’ve got a successful track record.
Chicago SEO Scholar
55 E Monroe St Suite 3800 Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 529-8226
Reduce Ad costs
If upper management told you to increase sales, you probably requested a bigger budget to run more social media A/B tests. You spend more to gain more. But social media has become like a massive marketplace. Everyone and their grandmother is running ads, boosting posts, and spending more money to increase visibility.
Breaking through the noise is extremely difficult, and you never know whether an ad will perform well or not. You might end up with a low conversion rate on a campaign you spent weeks on.
To avoid that from happening, shift your focus from the short term to the long term. SEO is here to stay. You can go to to learn more. Think of it like planting a tree. You don’t hear the seed sprouting, or growing. It happens slowly. And then all at once.
The fruits from focusing on SEO can take up to a year to show. But if you follow white label tactics, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Start with a few long-tail keywords and rank for them. Then move on to bigger bites.
Be one step further from your competitors
Many companies believe search engine optimization is dead. But the internet works in the same way it did before. Hyperlinks, keywords, and searches. People will search on Instagram, they will search on TikTok, and they will ask questions to Alexa, Google Home, and voice assistants.
If your answer comes out first, you’ll make more money. It’s a simple strategy, whereas the consistency is difficult. Do the right thing, rank higher, and reap the profits.

Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of,,, and writes regularly for, Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.