Financial Regulation and the Hedge Fund Industry Part 3

This is the last part of the series on Financial regulation and the Hedge Fund Industry which gives an overview of the main regulatory bodies...

Financial Regulation and the Hedge Fund Industry Part 2

The Hedge Fund industry is often perceived as unregulated. It is actually not the case. In fact, since the onset of the financial crisis,...

Financial Regulation and the Hedge Fund Industry Part 1

This article has been written with the help of several sources including Wikipedia, the Financial Times, the Handbook of Hedge Funds by Francois-Serge Lhabitant,...

Top 5 Challenges for Alternative Investment Industry in 2015

Last year was a beneficial year for all alternative assets except hedge funds. Private equity made profit from more attractive valuations of leveraged buyout. The...

2015 Forecast For Alternative Investment Fund Depositaries

Since the middle of last year, alternative investment managers who offer offshore investment must comply with the AIFMD Depositary-Lite regulations in order to market...

5 Top Challenges for Hedge Funds in 2015

The announcement by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) last year to exit 30 hedge funds entire investment valued at $4 billion was...

Focus on the positives arising from AIFMD for asset managers

Before too much longer, asset managers will be able to market non- EU funds to qualified EU investors under AIFMD passport rules Like much of...