Tag: alternative investment

Top 5 Challenges for Alternative Investment Industry in 2015

Last year was a beneficial year for all alternative assets except hedge funds. Private equity made profit from more attractive valuations of leveraged buyout. The...

2015 Forecast For Alternative Investment Fund Depositaries

Since the middle of last year, alternative investment managers who offer offshore investment must comply with the AIFMD Depositary-Lite regulations in order to market...

Guide to Asset Management Part 1

In the fast-paced business world, where things come from high to low in a second, you need to take some concrete steps to manage...

Should Advisers Recommend Alternative Investments?

This is one of the biggest questions that haunt many advisers. Should they risk introducing their clients to alternative investing? However, before they can...

Hedge Fund Social Networks Part 1

The strategies and secrets of a hedge fund are guarded with utmost caution due to the fear of a leak which might make the...

How Costs and Fees Compare between Various Alternative Investments

Being a relatively new field of interest, alternative investment have been slowly gaining popularity, largely with an audience that likes investing for the fun...

Alternative Investment Survey by Deutsche Bank

In a groundbreaking announcement, the Deutsche Bank introduced a comprehensive survey covering hedge investment trends and future investment opportunities. Due to an ever rising investment...

Alternative Investment Trends for 2015 and Outlook for 2014

It was the 2008 recession which shook the global economy. The world had never seen such a far-reaching economic impact prior to this. Economists...

What If Google Had a Hedge Fund?

A hedge fund uses treasure troves of data and an almost infinite amount of speculation to help investors make extraordinary profits. With a range...

Options Defined

What Are Options? Options are another financial instrument used by investors, day in and day out, to trade on stock and bond markets. Unlike many...

Why Alternative Investments are on the rise: Trends in 2014

For any hedge fund manager, it is crucial that they ensure the performance of their assets under management (AUM). However, there are times when...

Guide to FCA and Social Media for Investing and Trading

Financial activities are conducted under strict guidelines, both online and offline. Considering the free nature of the internet, particularly on social media, communication can...

Funds of Hedge Funds Defined

So far, we have discussed the various strategies that Hedge Funds use to earn profits and operate in a financial market. The main purpose...

Equity Long-Only Defined

What is Equity Long-Only Investments? There is a strong connection between Equity Long-Only Investments and Hedge Funds. Where the latter has always been in search...

Guide to Research on Hedge Funds: Part 4 Hedging Your Bets:...

Funds of hedge funds: An Alternative Investment Strategy Funds of hedge funds are an alternative investment strategy whereas the investment portfolio consists of a number...

EurekaHedge – Profiles of hedge funds, funds of funds and specialist...

Eurekahedge is an initiative that was started back in the year 2001. It started out as a small effort by a number of finance...

SEC Weighs New Asset Management Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is considering new rules for oversight and stress testing of the asset management industry. In response to concerns...

Financial and Fund Industry Viewpoint: Interview with Michelle Carroll, Partner, Financial...

In today's still fragile environment of recovering economies and financial markets, it is extremely important for a business world to have a reliable and...

Guide to research on Hedge Funds: Part 2 Essentials

Hedge funds can be categorized, not only according to the investment strategies used by them, but by the different types of the funds as...

Focus on the positives arising from AIFMD for asset managers

Before too much longer, asset managers will be able to market non- EU funds to qualified EU investors under AIFMD passport rules Like much of...

Total Value of U.S Hedge Funds? $1.4 Trillion Dollars

As of the second quarter of 2014, there were 10, 844 hedge funds operating worldwide with over 8,000 of them located in the United...

Alternative Investment Associations and Hedge Fund Associations

Alternative investment associations and hedge fund associations are committees and platforms that are formed to facilitate all those people who are a part of...

The Alternative Investment Management Association

The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) was founded in 1990 and is a major player and a worldwide representative of the industry of hedge...

AIMFD: EU Hedge Fund Regulation

AIFMD: EU HEDGE FUND REGULATION The EU’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), which became effective at the state level in July 2013, has had...
hedge funds

Hedge Fund DNA – Interview with Meredith Jones founder of MJ...

The Hedge Fund and Fund industry in general are undergoing massive challenges and changes. Since it is a fast growing industry, there are many substantial...


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