Tag: digital currencies

Digital Asset Insights #29: The World’s Biggest Banks Are Pouring Billions...

Total crypto market cap back above $2 trillion, FUD now a distant memory The total crypto market cap edged above $2 trillion early last week, making a 12-week high as the market leader, Bitcoin, targeted $50,000, which is a level not seen since FUD ramped up just as the summer season got underway. Many were filled with… The post Digital Asset Insights #29 appeared first on JP Fund Services.
bitcoin, btc, digital currencies

Bitcoin Loses Ground After Short Relief Rally, As Speculation Mounts Over...

Bitcoin has lost ground again after a short relief rally, as inflation fears linger and prospective competition from central bank digital currencies comes into...
digital currencies, cbdc, central bank digital currencies

First Major Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Could Launch Within Three...

European deep tech company Guardtime believes the Coronavirus crisis has accelerated the development of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) by up to five years, and it...

Institutional Investors And Wealth Managers Plan To Increase Their Exposure To...

A survey of institutional investors and wealth managers who already engage with Bitcoin reveals that 85% plan to increase their investment in the cryptocurrency...


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Roadmap to Hedge Funds – Part 3 Investing