Tag: portfolio

The World’s Largest Alternative Asset Managers: case of Blackstone

  'The Blackstone Group was little known outside Wall Street until two events in 2007 catapulted it onto the public stage: the lavish sixtieth birthday...

Growing Opportunities in Emerging Markets for Private Equity

The Private Equity has largely remained focus in North America and Europe for decades. Its penetration in emerging markets has been very low. However,...

Top 5 Challenges for Private Equity in 2015

Last month the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) decided to cut back on the number of Private Equity Managers. This curtailment came just...

Top Ten Strategies Hedge Funds Use to Make Huge Returns

Many people know hedge funds as the big brother of mutual funds. Mutual funds are riskier but they make more returns which is what...

Guide to Asset Management Part 1

In the fast-paced business world, where things come from high to low in a second, you need to take some concrete steps to manage...

Top Hedge Fund Strategies

Hedge funds are not regulated as strictly as other forms of investments, such as mutual funds. This helped it garner the attention of many...

How Costs and Fees Compare between Various Alternative Investments

Being a relatively new field of interest, alternative investment have been slowly gaining popularity, largely with an audience that likes investing for the fun...

How Clients Should Invest in Alternatives

Due to the extensive alternative trading options available in the market, there are always so many options one can choose from. Whether it is...

Veteran Hedge Fund a Victim Of October Surprise

The combined “October Surprises” of poor market volatility, adverse tax inversion rulings and overall portfolio plummets have led one veteran hedge fund manager to...

Alternative Investment Trends for 2015 and Outlook for 2014

It was the 2008 recession which shook the global economy. The world had never seen such a far-reaching economic impact prior to this. Economists...

What If Google Had a Hedge Fund?

A hedge fund uses treasure troves of data and an almost infinite amount of speculation to help investors make extraordinary profits. With a range...

What Are Options and Why Trade Them

What Are Options? Options are another financial instrument used by investors, day in and day out, to trade on stock and bond markets. Unlike many...

Funds of Hedge Funds Defined

So far, we have discussed the various strategies that Hedge Funds use to earn profits and operate in a financial market. The main purpose...

Guide to Research on Hedge Funds: Part 5: The Differences between...

Sometimes people use the terms hedge funds and mutual funds interchangeably, which is incorrect as they have some marked differences between them.  First, let’s...

Global Macro Strategy

What is a Global Macro Strategy? Global macro is defined as a hedge fund strategy in which the fund invests and takes long and short...

Guide to Research on Hedge Funds: Part 4 Hedging Your Bets:...

Funds of hedge funds: An Alternative Investment Strategy Funds of hedge funds are an alternative investment strategy whereas the investment portfolio consists of a number...

Frontier Funds – Not Just Another Emerging Market

Returns versus risk is a dichotomous relationship that we just can’t seem to get away from. While it is true that the relationship exists...

Roadmap to Hedge Funds – Part 3 Investing

The Investment Process The objectives of every investor differ and various portfolio designs serve a variety of purposes. Due to the extent of the hedge...

Hedge Fund Manager Wants His Crown Back

After a 22-year reign as manager over "one of the world's biggest and most successful funds," the handing back of outside investor capital and...