How to Develop an SEO Strategy that Works for Your Budget


Doing anything on a budget is difficult in most cases. The same applies to SEO strategy. However, it is not impossible. You’ll need to be very smart with how you allocate your limited resources. That being said, here are some tips that will help you along the way. Some of these are pretty straightforward while others might require a slight shift in how you see SEO. Let’s begin. 

Fill the Gaps 

Doing SEO in a competitive niche is difficult on a good day when you have reasonable funds and plenty of time to strategize. Getting anything done on a tight budget is immensely more difficult. One of the popular avenues of approach is to fill in the gaps

To be more specific, you’ll want to find and isolate keywords that haven’t been exploited yet. This doesn’t cost much in terms of financial resources, but it takes time. If you can find a few solid keywords with enough traffic to get you some pull, you can establish a base for more aggressive keyword ranking in the future. 

Find What Works and Optimize it Further 

Another good way of pushing your SEO on a budget is to do a survey of your website in order to find a piece of content that is constantly bringing results. That’s what’s called “evergreen content”. Once you isolate such content, try to optimize it even further. Make sure to update everything as well. 

Pillar Your Main Content

Isolating the evergreen content is a great way of finding potential foundations for content pillars. A content pillar is a form of content strategy where you use a piece of content (in this case your evergreen articles) as the center pillar to which you’ll add additional smaller, relevant pillars. 

The idea is to take subheadings and potentially turn them into full-size pieces. Experts from SEO Design Chicago argue that doing so will allow you to hit all the keywords, both short tail and long tail. Additionally, you’ll give the search engine enough indicators that you’re a figure of authority in your niche. Granted, the content you create has to be good. 

The main reason why we’re mentioning content is because it can be free if you’re willing to sacrifice some of your time. 

Guest Post 

Although many are debating whether link building is as important as it’s made to be, it is still one of the best ways of boosting your SEO. There are many ways you can build links. If you’re on a budget, guest posting might be the optimal solution. 

With guest posting, the person you’re trying to get the link from is getting free content in exchange for leaving your URL in the guest post. It’s a straightforward trade and many admins are willing to accept such deals. 

Cover Your Bases 

If you’re struggling with an SEO budget, it’s always a good idea to check your fundamentals and make sure that everything is up to snuff. More often than not, there’s room for improvement. There’s a chance you might recognize a few areas of your SEO that can be improved without spending much money.