“NFTs Uprising – The Ultimate Guide To Non-Fungible-Tokens”: A Research By citiesabc On The Latest Blockchain Trend

NFTs are the first iteration of the blockchain uprising in an increasingly virtual world. NFTs are the first passage of the offline world of assets to the online open DeFi world of digital twins identity and digital assets narratives and economy

NFTs are making blockchain technology and all ideologies of decentralisation and the metaverse become mainstream. And this is much more than just the waves around NFTs trading and speculation on digital pieces of art of NBA sports collectives. This is something much deeper and radical. This year, an NFT by an artist Beeple was sold for $69 million – making him one of the best paid living artists. This shows how this industry is at the brink of becoming something big. “NFT sales topped $2 billion in the first quarter, with twice as many buyers as sellers”. – Robert Frank, CNBC.

Introducing The “NFTs Uprising – The Ultimate Guide To Non Fungible Tokens” Book

This citiesabc ultimate guide to Non Fungen Tokens NFTs book offers a helicopter view on why NFTs innovative blockchain technology are changing and disrupting the art world, the creative industries, the business world and the digital foundations of our society as a whole.

As we digitise the world economy, we create digital twins of everything around us and build an ever expanding digital ecosystem. Some call this ecosystem, metaverse, which is now part of our society and economy. It is a system that is radically transforming our  world, and also redefining the way we behave on the virtual metaverse. One can say that this new wave of digital assets is ushering us into the super smart society 5.0 faster than ever before.

The book will explore various topics, including: History of NFTs, NFTs as digital product to sell – who own what – IP , NFTs and IP, NFTs ownership of assets, revenues and legal implications, Top industries being changed and disrupted by NFTs, The major NFTs marketplaces, and more.

The author, Dinis Guarda is a prolific author of books including “4IR: AI, Blockchain, Fintech Reinventing a Nation”, “How Businesses and Governments Can Prosper with Fintech”, “Blockchain and AI?”, and “Blockchain AI Crypto Economics”. Guarda has been listed in global fintech, blockchain, AI, social media industry top influencer rankings: Top People In Blockchain by Cointelegraph 2019, The Artificial Intelligence Power 100. Other contributors include Karolina Makuch, Maria Lusitano and William Hosie.