Going to the office from 8 am to 4 pm every weekday is gradually phasing out. The pandemic outbreak let the whole world know it was possible to work from home. Most economies are adopting coworking spaces plus more flexible work arrangements.

The traditional method of all employees coming to work every weekday is becoming too expensive. Companies are beginning to save costs by adopting a more flexible working pattern while switching to a coworking space. Learn why you should adopt a coworking and stay ahead of the competition.
The changing landscape of business approach to work
Before the pandemic, some companies had already adopted a remote working pattern. According to Global Workplace Analytics, about 25 to 30% had already adapted to working remotely. Also, the same research discovered that about 82% of employees preferred to work remotely. Even though working remotely is a popular trend, the driving force is technology. In other words, businesses may longer need big office spaces. Instead, they can opt for a coworking space to save costs. Remember, the majority of the staff will work from home.
Reasons coworking spaces are trending
Coworking space is trending because of a whole lot of factors. If for no other reason, it saves cost. Check out other reasons coworking spaces are changing the traditional work pattern below:
The major drive that encourages working remotely is technology. With the introduction of automation, virtual assistant, etc., you can see that there is no longer a large office space to accommodate everyone. These days, most businesses engage customer support agents that work from home. Also, technology will make some jobs obsolete.
The gig economy
The number of people opting for freelancing jobs has increased. According to Zippia, between 2022 and 2022, the number of freelancers increased to 20%. The growth in the gig economy is because more jobs are done remotely. Most people don’t need to come to the office to do their jobs. Therefore, there is no need to rush to an office location every morning.
Quiet quitting
Quiet quitting means when an employee is no longer motivated to work. Instead, they remain on the job but start doing the bare minimum. The reason for this attitude is because of the gig economy, technology, and the love to work remotely. Some employees are just waiting to get a freelancing job, and they would quit without prior notice. Therefore, they will only start doing the bare minimum and focus their energy on getting a remote job. Adopting a remote work pattern for some jobs will be best to discourage this attitude because your staff no longer see their job as sapping their life.
With all these factors, it’s obvious that coworking spaces are the future. Besides, you will save much money on rent, electricity bills, etc. Furthermore, a coworking space allows you to interface with other businesses that may recommend your services. Before switching to a coworking space, ensure that you have a reliable team that takes remote working seriously.

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